Thursday, 25 September 2014

Today's make up


Just a short post today to show the make up i'm wearing, my afternoon lecture got cancelled today so i'm going to head into town and do a bit of shopping!

I hope you have a lovely day, an OOTD will be on its way in the next few days.

Bye for now. :) 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Favourite Albums

Hi! First of all I'm so sorry for being away for so long! If you follow me on BlogLovin' then you will have still seen me liking blog posts and creeping! I've been a busy bee moving into my new uni house and catching up with all my university friends and I have had no time for blogging, but now we've all settled in I'll be blogging more often, also I'll be posting OOTD'S (hopefully) twice a week so look out for that!

Onto todays post, I just thought I would recommend a few of my favourite albums from the past year or so:

1. London Grammar - If You Wait This album has such a cool chilled out vibe and I listened to it all throughout summer. 
2. Awesome Mix Volume 1 (Guardians of the Galaxy) If you've seen guardians of the Galaxy then you'll already know how AWESOME this album is, the film is modern but has such a 70's feeling thanks to this album, if you haven't listened to it... Just do!
3. Kasabian - 48:13 This Kasabian album was so different to their old music but I absolutely love it. Plus did you see them as Glastonbury?! They rocked it.
4. The Black Keys - Turn Blue Another sweet album from The Black Keys, sos many good songs on there, another album I had on repeated this summer. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. What have your favourite albums been this year? 

Bye for now. :) 

Disclaimer - I don't own any of these pictures. Source - Google.